Watch my first FlossTube right here!
Featured things
- Introduction about me!
- My own stitch people family "through the years"
- WIPs:
- Firefly sampler
- Wedding re-stitch
- Giveaway stitch people piece
- Commissioned pattern
- Upcoming embroidery
- Future of my YouTube channel

What's FlossTube?
FlossTube is a community on YouTube of people who use fabric, thread and anything in between to create pieces of art. It not only includes cross-stitching and embroidery, but it also includes quilters, designers and anyone else who does stitching-related crafts. It's a way for someone to share what they're working on, "swag" they've received, sharing tips and techniques, celebrating finished pieces and so much more.
I'm hoping to build on my little community that I've got by expanding more to YouTube and what better way than to show off what I'm working on and boast about my latest finished pieces?
I can't wait to share with you all more of my stitchy life. I'm aiming to upload once a week but will settle for once a fortnight. Life will obviously take precedence (the joys of being a SAHM - hehe) but I do hope you subscribe to my channel, like my videos and drop a comment over there if you like what you see!