Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question?

Compiled below is a list of some questions I get asked often, as well as some questions I think could be useful to have answers to for someone who might be wanting to get started in needlepoint or other similar things.

This page is a constant work in progress and is obviously not an exhaustive series of questions one might have. I'm adding to it as often as I remember!

If you have any other questions, feel free to get in touch and I'll do my best to answer. Responses will take ~1-2 business days.


Purchasing Digital Patterns from Two Little Kits

What is the license for your printable patterns?

Can I get my pattern printed by a professional printing company?

Can I use your cross-stitch patterns digitally?

Can I use part or all of your pattern to sell my own creations?

Can I sell my finished pieces that I've made from your patterns?


Beginner to Cross-stitch

I'm brand new! Can you help me get started, please?

What are the basic materials I need to start cross-stitching?

What does my pattern mean by "Use 3 strands"?


Beginner to Embroidery

I've never embroidered before! Can you help me get started, please?


Pattern Making

What software do you use to create your cross-stitch patterns?

What software do you use to create your embroidery patterns?

What hardware do you use to create your patterns on?

Question not answered?

If you have a question about stitchy-related things, I have a membership that you can sign up for to gain access to my knowledge! Signing up for a "Fistful of Floss" or a "Hoard of Floss" will give you the ability to ask any stitchy question (silly or not) you might have without any guilt!