What's this?
Back on November 8th, 2021, I was interviewed by the ever exuberant Lizzy over at Stitch People! It was so awesome to chat with her about lots of different things, which -obviously- included chatting about my own "journey" with stitch people, too.
The interview was a lot of fun! It also made me feel a bit like a celebrity in a way, answering questions about myself and my story into stitching in general.
If you listen to the episode (either below or through your preferred podcast application), let me know what you thought!

Listen to my interview!
Episode description:
If you ever hope to meet Superwoman – today’s the day! How *does* she do it? Kate Anderson keeps so many plates spinning in her life, and still makes time to stay creative with her cross-stitching, embroidery, font/alphabet design, and stitch-alongs! Prioritizing her mental health, and executing tricks to keep herself accountable and focused, Kate clearly has a knack for organization and a very (impressively) large heart.
So… I'm a bit skeptical about listening to the episode myself, as I already know how much I hate hearing my own voice after recording and editing 23 FlossTube episodes to date. So if you're curious, here are a few things you can find in the episode, care of a friend of mine who already listened to it 🤣
- Life and its ups and downs
- Moving from Australia to the USA
- My kids!
- Making cross-stitch & embroidery patterns
- The TV show, Doctor Who
- What I was stitching, at the time
- …and more ☺️
Read Stitch People's blog post about this interview here and more about their podcast in general here! You can listen to their podcast [likely] on your preferred application of choice 🥰️