Watch my 36th FlossTube right here!
What's new?
Ornaments, ornaments, ornaments!
I've been doing my best to churn through the ornaments that I have and I'm pretty happy with how I'm doing so far! Across the 10 ornament orders I have, there are 40 heads of hair to stitch - which is less than I had last year, but with everything that's been going on in my life (and my family's life) the past few months I'm glad it isn't as many as last year..!
I cannot wait to share progress in the next FlossTube video. I want to have everything mailed out around Thanksgiving so ideally; I will be recording the next one on the day that I want to mail them all out. Keep your fingers crossed for me, friends! It's coming up quickly!
I also brought my Haunted Library SAL out of time-out and fixed what needed to be fixed. It's always, always such a good feeling after I've fixed an error I've made. I just hate the process of fixing it 🤣
Don't forget; if you do watch over on YouTube (and not just right here on my website directly) to leave a comment, like the video and subscribe!
Featured things
- Changes to my website
- New patterns:
- "The Office" (which I talked about in the previous FlossTube, but I talked about it again...)
- "Craft Store"
- WIPs:
- Upcoming patterns
- Gift cards available
- IRL stuff (including next foot appointment!)

What's FlossTube?
FlossTube is a community on YouTube of people who use fabric, thread and anything in between to create pieces of art. It not only includes cross-stitching and embroidery, but it also includes quilters, designers and anyone else who does stitching-related crafts. It's a way for someone to share what they're working on, "swag" they've received, sharing tips and techniques, celebrating finished pieces and so much more.
I'm hoping to build on my little community that I've got by expanding more to YouTube and what better way than to show off what I'm working on and boast about my latest finished pieces?
It's neat to be sharing with you all what I'm working on outside of regular social media posts, like the usual over at Instagram. I hope you're enjoying my FlossTubes! Don't forget to;
- subscribe to my channel,
- like my video and
- drop a comment
over there if you like what you see!