Monthly Wrap-Up: August 2024

Monthly Wrap-Up: August 2024

Wrapping Up Summer 2024!

Lots to chat about from August, 2024!

I completed a just-for-me cross-stitch piece, started some new patterns and continued old ones, had a sale on stickers while working out the kinks of doing them at home, and got up to some fun non-stichy related shenanigans before my kids went back to school.

Why don't you keep scrolling and read on about my month 😍

A little, clear jar of ORTs (Old Ratty Threads) which are spilling out.
My ORT jar is coming along nicely..!

Leading image: One of the exhibits at Chihuly 😊

Finished Piece

After receiving my latest cross-stitching book; "Cross-Stitch In The Forest", I quickly jumped on the pattern depicting a fox in it. Because of course!

There were a few things I changed from the original pattern, specifically around colours. The three butterflies were originally all the two yellow colours but I didn't like that they all looked different (shape wise) but were the same colour. So I changed two of them and also incorporated those new colours to the flowers at the bottom. What do you think of this change?

It was a lot of fun to stitch up, so it was not surprising when it was quickly completed. It was the perfect shape for framing and I love how it looks in this simple black frame!

A completed cross-stitch piece that depicts a large, orange fox in a field of flowers, alongside three butterflies.
A close-up photo of the fox cross-stitch piece
A close-up photo of the fox cross-stitch piece
A close-up photo of the fox cross-stitch piece

If you are interested in commissioning me to stitch an existing cross-stitch pattern like this one, let me know! I love stitching and would be so happy to work on something for you or your loved ones.


"Flower Field" has been tough to keep up with (even as I'm writing this post; it's tough) but I did catch up with the final dates of August at the end of the month - which included stitching sparkles for my husband's birthday!

I'm super close to completing "The Deadly Aquarium" stitch-along. As you can see a little; I started working on the final exhibit (read: release). I anticipate I'll finish this piece during September, so keep an eye out for that next month!

Lastly, check out the revisit of an old, early-stage WIP; "Pretty Little Seattle"!

My "Flower Field" DIY cross-stitch pattern
"Flower Field" DIY cross-stitch pattern: Jan-Aug
An almost-complete cross-stitch of the "Deadly Aquarium" pattern
"The Deadly Aquarium" Stitch-along by Lola Crow Cross Stitch.
An almost-complete cross-stitch that reads "Believe in Yourself"
"Design 7" by Emma Congdon.
A work-in-progress cross-stitch of "Village in the Valley"
"Village in the Valley" by Flossy Fox Shop.
Early stages of a cross-stitch pattern called "Pretty Little Seattle"
"Pretty Little Seattle" by Satsuma Street.

Sticker & Cricut Shenanigans

As mentioned, I held a sale on stickers which was so fun. In preparation for it, I ordered all three options of my latest item; "Stitcher Stickers" to make certain I was happy with how they look and I LOVE them!

The other thing I've been doing regarding stickers is working on learning

  1. My new printer, and
  2. My Cricut Explore 3 device.

I've been doing this by trialing sticker papers, vinyls, cutting pressure, etc. All the things, basically!

I'm excited to eventually change my shops (Etsy included!) to order stickers from me! Instead of my print-on-demand supplier. Woo!

One of my first successful, home-printed-and-cut stickers
One of my first successful, home-printed-and-cut stickers 🥳️


Back, earlier this year, I placed an order for Knot Balm from Bree over at Snitchez Get Stitchez, got it shipped to my mum to save on shipping (as Bree is located in Australia) and promptly forgot about the order.

When my mum handed me a little package during her visit, I was confused (but excited! Who doesn't love getting a package!) but remembered as soon as I opened it. And I tried it straight away!

I got soy-based knot balms, as I've had bad experiences with beeswax and darker-coloured flosses, in 4 different scents, in both of her container types; tin and tube. They're so great!

I recommend you check her knot balms out!

Two tubes and two tins of "Knot Balm"
The little stash I ordered.

New Blog Posts

I managed to turn over a few helpful blog posts as usual, which includes one new hand embroidery stitch (and my last August FlossTube episode).

Let me know in the comments below if there's a topic or thing you would like to have me write about — that would be excellent! I've been trying to come up with helpful and interesting blog post ideas and it's been awesome to continue to add to my website in a useful way.


As you'll see, things were still a bit restrictive in what I could and could not do. But it was all in a net positive movement!

4th Toe Surgery

Yep. I had yet another surgery on my left big toe.

This one was very minor as all I had done was the removal of one of the three screws I previously had put in, taken out. I was having issues with this screw as one end of it was at the tip of my toe, however, it was shifting in place (?! AHH!) and whenever I went to take a step forward like when normally walking, the ground and the screw were squishing my skin (and everything in between) giving me pain.

10/10 do not recommend!

Healing from this surgery actually went really well and really fast which was so good for my mental health. I didn't need my prescription pain medication after day 2 and was able to wear regular shoes as early as 3 days later.

Kate wearing a medical gown and hair net, waiting in a doctor's office
Waiting -once again- to go under the knife.

Visit from Mum

My mum came for a 2 week (technically 15 days!) visit in the second half of August. It was so lovely to once again have her visit and to just hang out.

When it's a visit with just her, she mostly just blends in with our day-to-day life, since that works the best for C; my oldest. She's gotten better at warming up to my mum at the beginning of a visit (phew) but the best way for her to enjoy her nanny is by integrating her into life.

No idea when the next time I'll be able to see mum again in person. Fingers crossed that it might be located over in Australia next time, though..!*

*It's been WAY too long since we visited and I miss it!

A photo of baggage claim at Seattle airport
Waiting at the airport for her arrival plane to empty.
Milo [the cat] and my mum in the living room while she crochets
Crafting with me (and Milo) on the couch.
A grandmother and her two granddaughters walking toward a pond catchment
Taking the opportunity to get some nice, recent photos of her with the girls.

The Mister's Birthday!

My other half's birthday is during August!

He was rather ill on his actual birthday so instead of going out for a nice dinner, I cooked him his favourite meal and -during the day- baked his favourite [cup]cakes. Yum!

Ingredients for baking all laid out on a kitchen bench
Aside from his favourite dinner, I baked his favourite kind of [cup]cake.
Oreo-flavoured cupcakes with Oreo-flavoured whipped heavy cream on top
They're always so delicious..!

End of Summer Holidays

I don't know who was more excited about my girls going back to school; me or A; my youngest.

C wasn't particularly thrilled about the prospect, even after reminding her she would be able to catch the school bus every morning again, but A on the other hand… She was practically beside herself with excitement. In fact, she barely slept the night before the first day. So cute!

My girls are now in 5th and 3rd grades. The final year they are both in Elementary school! *sniffle*

The end of summer holidays was filled with relaxing, baking, crafts, video games and picking blackberries. Not too bad, if I do say.

A big kid's hand holding out some wild blackberries.
C enjoyed picking wild blackberries whenever she went out.

Outing to Chihuly

My mum's visit was over the first couple of days of school going back, so we made the most of being kid-free one day by going to Chihuly Garden and Glass.

It was lovely to get out with just her for something low-pressure and, like, more adult than what I've done with having kids in tow. You know?

We had an early lunch (my WLS dietitian would've been very upset!), took pictures and just enjoyed.

We also took our own crafty in-hand project (a cross-stitch project for me and a crochet project for her) and found a nice place to sit and "make" while chatting for a while. All in all a lovely morning!

The Space Needle was right nearby
The entrance sign for Chihuly
Chihuly garden & glass
Kate at Chihuly Garden & Glass
My mum taking a photo at Chihuly Garden & Glass
Chihuly Garden & Glass
We had an early lunch at Chihuly Garden & Glass
Tasty treats at Chihuly Garden & Glass
A little friend on a flower at Chihuly Garden & Glass
Chihuly Garden & Glass
Chihuly Garden & Glass

Stitching Out-and-About

One thing I wanted to include in this month was stitching out and about. I've not been adverse to stitching while out doing things, but this month I feel like I took it further when I realised the following:

I don't care if people think I'm being weird.

An example was this photo (right); I was at the pharmacy, waiting for it to open (in the end it didn't open. They were short staffed) and I had brought my car project; "Village in the Valley". So I was standing there, holding my project bag/fabric and stitching away, and I didn't care if anyone stared. Because, like, who cares? I wasn't hurting anyone and I wasn't doing anything offensive.

I propped my phone up on the line barrier and did a self timer photo, so I could remember realising this feeling. I hope that somewhere, this story and/or photo can help someone else be more comfortable stitching out and about, too ❤️️

Kate in line at the pharmacy, cross-stitching
Stitchin' away..!

Social Media

My follower count over on Instagram has been trickling down steadily but you know what? That's OK.

I've been doing better at not putting worth into that little number. It's not as easy to grow as it used to be and that includes me and my little account, too. So I've been able to focus more on providing better content (which also includes not just posting because it's a new day).

Instagram phone mockup - September 1st 2024
September 1st stats for Instagram (5,734 followers).

If you're not following me on Instagram I would love it if you did! There's also two channels you can join over there: One about shop updates and one that's just me being your stitchy BFF!
The other thing is last month, I started a a Facebook group which is still in its infancy, but I would also love to have you there if that's something you'd like to join in on.

Thank you for being here, reading through this post, encouraging me along my tracks and until next time..!

👋 Kate

Monthly Wrap-Up: July 2024

1 comment

  • Mum
    Sep 27, 2024 at 19:45

    It was lovely spending time with the four of you Kate (plus the 3 fluffies of course) I really enjoyed the gardens and sitting there crafting with you too. I’ve been “weird “ like this for more years than I care to remember and it feels good 😊 who cares what anyone thinks, keeping your hands and brain busy while enjoying your surroundings -what could be better 💖


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Hi, I'm Kate 👋

About the author

In a previous life (AKA: pre-kids), I was a web des/dev & photographer who loved to dabble in numerous arts and crafts. Now, I'm a cross-stitch & embroidery pattern designer and full-time mum to Charlie & Alex, with adult-diagnosed ADHD. Closet nerd, self-proclaimed hermit and professional procrastinator. I have a secret crush on modern architecture, brush calligraphy, sweets, pretty nails and pastel colours.

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