Brand new patterns!
I wrote last month about the fact I found myself with two test stitchers and how amazing that is! Well, they stitched even faster than I could've anticipated and both of them cranked out -in awesome quality!- a pattern each that I had finished design work for and left on the back burner.
Which means I got 2 extra completed cross-stitch patterns on top of the one I had recently completed. So three brand new patterns all ready at once! Say whaaaat?!
Now I know what you might be thinking.
"Wow! Does that mean you will have multiple patterns dropping at a time?"
Dear reader, let me just say this;
Hell no.
I have now learnt -very quickly- that getting multiple patterns ready at one time is so confusing, tricky and time consuming!
So to be clear; this is a once off kind of deal, unless I have a change of heart somehow. Going forward, patterns will be held in a queue (if one needs to exist) and they'll all be released one at a time. Which is probably better, so they all get their time in the spotlight, right?
But anyway, let's see those new patterns!
Show me the patterns!

Don't forget to tag me in your work-in-progress or completed pieces on social media! My username on any platform is @twolittlekits - easy to remember! I would love to see what you are stitching - not just these three patterns! but any of my cross-stitch or embroidery patterns, as well as my fonts and decor elements.
But most of all; I hope you just enjoy stitching ❤️